Leonardo with MBDA and the challenge of Europe’s missile defence

Paris. MBDA has signed an agreement to purchase GDI Simulation from Airbus with closing subject to regulatory closing conditions.

GDI Simulation is one of the leading French players in simulation for the French Armed Forces

Terms of the deal are not being disclosed. a under the ownership of MBDA as a prime contractor to the DGA for simulation systems equipment and as a supplier to MBDA.

GDI Simulation is one of the leading French players in simulation for the French Armed Forces. GDI Simulation, based in the Ile de France, is a SME with over 70 employees and in 2018 generated sales of €15 million.

MBDA’s CEO, Éric Béranger said: “With the acquisition of GDI, MBDA will reinforce its position in training simulation equipment, especially in the battlefield segment, combining MBDA’s expertise in missiles and simulation with GDI Simulation’s industrial capability for development, production and maintenance of training equipment to offer an integrated solution to its domestic and foreign clients”.

GDI Simulation is one of the leading French players in simulation for the French Armed Forces. GDI Simulation, based in the Ile de France, is a SME with over 70 employees and in 2018 generated sales of €15 million. It develops, assembles, integrates and maintains simulation systems for ground vehicles and for MBDA battlefield missiles, for the French and foreign armed forces. Over the course of several years, it has built a well-developed and recognised competence in eye-safe laser based systems and it provides crucial services and support to the land based training centres of the French Army.

With a significant presence in five European countries and within the USA, in 2018 MBDA achieved revenue of 3.2 billion euros with an order book of 17.4 billion euros.

With more than 90 armed forces customers in the world, MBDA is a world leader in missiles and missile systems.

In total, the group offers a range of 45 missile systems and countermeasures products already in operational service and more than 15 others currently in development. MBDA is jointly owned by Airbus (37.5%), BAE Systems (37.5%) and Leonardo (25%).

