Iraq, General Stephen Townsend prefers Trump approach

Di Vincenzo Santo*

(Da FP – 1° settembre 2017)

Baghdad. The outgoing commander of the U.S. effort in Iraq and Syria slammed the way former president Barack Obama handled the war effort there on Thursday, saying that the hands-off approach the Trump administration is taking is much appreciated. “The current administration has pushed decision-making down into the military chain of command,” Lt. Gen. Stephen Townsend told reporters at the Pentagon. “And I don’t know of a commander in our armed forces that doesn’t appreciate that.” Since January, “we don’t get second-guessed a lot,” he added. “Our judgment here on the battlefield in the forward areas is trusted. And we don’t get 20 questions with every action that happens on the battlefield and every action that we take.” Some might call that civilian control of the military. But mileage may vary. (…)

*Generale CA ris
